The problem is that despite what CSI and other TV shows might tell you, there is no single test for all possible toxins. Testing for even just a few possible things can easily run into the hundreds of dollars, and many things pets get exposed to cannot even be tested for at all! In addition, some things are not directly toxic to pets at typical doses - but pets don't often know when to stop so they ingest way more than would ever be safe for them. This is why it is SO important to keep all possible toxic items out of the reach of your pets. Just SOME of the things we have treated pets for in the past include owner's prescription medications, various over-the-counter medications, human food items containing xylitol, paint balls, and rat and mouse poison. The most important trend lately that is a danger to pets is illicit drugs. We all understand most illicit drugs and hopefully most households do not have them sitting around where pets can ingest them. However, CBD-containing products are more and more widely available and are suddenly becoming commonplace in people's homes. They are at the forefront of the drug debate these days, but that does not make them safe for your pet. They are still illegal at the federal level in most cases, and there is no oversight on the companies that make them - so each batch, and even each different bottle can contain widely varying levels of CBD, ranging from dangerously high levels to sometimes none at all. In addition, CBD-containing products directly interfere the metabolism of many commonly used prescription medications and supplements, which turns those commonly used things into things that can be toxic at even the usually-utilized dosing levels. CBD products and their interactions are being researched, but they cannot be recommended until there is more control over the production standards. The take home message is that the safest place for anything not directly prescribed to your pet is out of reach and locked up! And if you think your pet has gotten into something, or you're not sure if your pet should take something - call us!
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Contact UsManchester Veterinary Services Julie Baker, DVM Jeff Callahan, DVM Jan Wimer, DVM Gabby Leather, DVM Elizabeth Hall, DVM 4175 Hanover Pike Suite A Manchester, MD 21102 Call us - 410-374-6522 Text - 410-498-8471 Fax - 410-857-8534 Hours of Operation Monday 8-5 Tuesday 8-7 Wednesday 8-4 Thursday 8-7 Friday 8-5 Services by Appointment Except for Emergencies txt |
come Visit UsWe are located on Route 30 in Manchester, just north of Tracey's Mill Road and Piper's Gas Station.