Your pet's mouth matters!
How many times have you smelled your pet's breath or noticed their discolored teeth? Pets are absolute saints when it comes to the condition of their mouths. Pets experience the same discomfort as humans do, but they are very good at hiding it.

Some of the signs of serious dental disease include bad breath, missing, broken, or discolored teeth, bright red or bleeding gums, reluctance to play with usually favorite toys or blood spots noted on chew toys or bones, spitting out food and re-eating it, and preferring soft foods over dry foods.
If you notice any of these symptoms, your pet is probably already long overdue for intervention. In fact, over 80% of pets over the age of 5 have at least some form of periodontal disease. By the time it is recognized, many pets have already lost several teeth, or have to have several extracted. Dental disease can also cause significant issues with a pet's heart and kidney health before the problems in their mouth are even noticed by their families.
"Families will often go out of their way to tell us how happy their pets are after having a dental cleaning. They often had no idea how run-down they were due to their oral health. Most people wish they had done it sooner"
- Dr. Callahan
Dental cleanings are safe and quick sedated procedures that we provide for our patients nearly every day. We will perform an oral examination when your pet comes in to see us and make recommendations for how to prevent dental disease, or if it is present, what services will be required to correct it and make your pet comfortable again.
During a dental prophylaxis, we utilize the the Progeny Complete Intra-oral Dental Radiograph system to obtain high quality digital images of the entire structure of your pet's teeth - both before and after any necessary oral treatments.
Before any dental procedure is considered, we will make sure to provide you with a complete up-front estimate, which includes any recommended follow-up examinations at no charge to you. Please call us to schedule a check-up for your pet's mouth, or ask us about it at your next visit!